Click events on 3D Objects

Hi @jan, thanks again.

I did host now the textures from external sources our own server, but I got an issue, whenever I use my custom material picker, it seems like it removes the material. like this screenshot below:

here’s our project link :

For this one

var viewer = WALK.getViewer();
viewer.onSceneReadyToDisplay(function() {
var setMaterialForNodeOriginal = viewer.setMaterialForNode;
viewer.setMaterialForNode = function(material, node) {
setMaterialForNodeOriginal.apply(this, [material, node]);
showMessage('material: ’ +;

I’ve use the and I couldnt make it appear anything, what are the methods inside material? my goal is to show the base texture name instead of the material name.

Thank you!

@Half_stack can you configure the server to return one of the following two headers with texture related responses:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Without such header browsers won’t allow the textures from your server to be used in WebGL.

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@jan I just did add the following header response on the server:


I’ve used this http checker to check if the header response is included:

this is the url for one of the texture :

and our project url :

Still it does’nt work.

Thanks @jan

It looks like CloudFlare that your server is using still returns a cached texture without this header. When I inspect the header in the Network panel of the browser debug console (F12) the header is missing and there is a cf-cache-status: HIT header that indicates that the response is served from CloudFlare cache. If I open the texture with some string added to the URL to bypass the cache, like: the header is present.

You can wait until CloudFlare cache clears, or force CloudFlare to refresh the cache.

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Tried to replace the image path with the foo=bar querystring to test the texture picker


still won’t work.

Appreciate all the help @jan

I’m sorry, the header I asked you to configure is incorrect, because the URL has to include protocol:


instead of Access-Control-Allow-Origin:

Please also add crossorigin="anonymous" property to html <img> elements. In case of your menu it will look like this:

<img class="textureSelect" targetarea="FLOOR1" roughness="img" metallic="0.2" bump="null" roughnessCode="156_roughness"
                 id="floor1_156_parquet_medium_color_texture" crossorigin="anonymous"/>
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Thank you @jan, It solved my problems for the textures.

I have 2 questions for the API
Is there a way to target this for the custom material picker.

Also I plan to create a separate button to trigger the same functionality with this arrow:
this would make our custom picker uniform with the separate button, just want to ask what function do I trigger to show and hide similar with that arrow on that screenshot.

Thank you so much

  1. You can set these material properties in the following way:

    var material = viewer.findMaterial(‘someMaterialName’);
    material.baseColorTextureCorrection = true;
    material.baseColorTextureContrast = 0.8;
    material.baseColorTextureHslOffset.h = 0.1;
    material.baseColorTextureHslOffset.s = 0.2;
    material.baseColorTextureHslOffset.l = 0.3;

  2. We are finalizing a new Shapespark release that will add functions to hide menu via API. We are adding a property Viewer.menuVisible that allows to set and get the menu visibility. We are also adding Viewer.onMenuVisibilityChanged(callback) to allow to synchronize the visibility state of custom menu elements and built-in elements.


@jan Thank you :smiley:

Looking forward for the new release! :fire:

Any chance you will be adding any options that allow us to trigger menu options based on a users location in the model?

There are two options that could allow to customize menu based on a user location (See this doc):

  • You can listen for notifications when the user switches to views using right-top menu.
  • You can query camera x.y.z location

Shapespark doesn’t have semantic information about a model (room names, room boundaries, etc.), so it is not possible to for example get notifications when a user enters a kitchen.

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@Half_stack can you look into this on Monday please :slight_smile:

Thanks Jan!

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