Viewing my Scene/Model

Hi @jan, is there any progress you can tell us about with the reflections in mobile chrome?

I made some test wight texture, roughness map, metallic map and bump map. Looks great in PC but loose brighness on mobile android with #mobilehi included and that is very sad issue! :weary:

First image (scene not loaded)

Scene loaded

I’ll look into this. The only difference on mobile Chrome should be that ideal mirror reflections are lower resolution (more blurred), but this shouldn’t affect a wall like this.

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Unfortunately, I’ve mixed up which device/browser has the reflection related limitations. All browsers on Android including Chrome have such problem with roughness/metallic textures handling. This is due to the lack of support for a WebGL extension that Shapespark depends on for the reflections effect (textureCubeLodExt). We have a workaround for this, but it works accurately only for roughness/metallic scalar values, not for textures.

Thanks @jan for your answer. You indicate that in all android browsers, do you mean that iOS we don’t have the same problem? Yes that it is! With my iphone 6 the image is the same of mi pc!