I’m a Revit native and just recently starting looking into rendering projects, specifically using 3ds Max imports of Revit models and the shapespark trial (as I understand Revit is not supported yet). I’m brand new to both programs. I’m having a hard time with material scaling in shapespark, and a hard time researching tutorials on it. Terms pop up in my search results - things like material pools, uv mapping, texture atlas, etc. - all terms that i’m unfamiliar with.
Does the shapespark community have any go-to tutorials that you all have used to learn these concepts, and how they can be successfully implemented in 3ds Max and/or shapespark?
Unfortunately, apart from this import guide: https://help.shapespark.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009141717, we don’t have tutorials dedicated specifically to 3ds Max. However, the tutorials based on SketchUp should still introduce you to the Shapespark workflow with the exception that you import a 3ds Max model differently than a SketchUp one. Please take a look at:
As for your material scaling issues, Shapespark imports the texture mapping (aka UV mapping) from the 3D model. The usual way of mapping a texture to surfaces in 3ds Max is with the use of UVW Map Modifier. Have you added such a modifier to your meshes?