Why does the storage load occur indefinitely when I modify the material and click Save?
Sometimes it’s saved quickly, but sometimes it’s not saved
Problems happen too often,
Now I can’t save it, so I’m doing the same thing over and over again. I want to know the cause.
Which scene editor do you encounter this issue in? The desktop-based or cloud-based one?
It is desktop based.
And it doesn’t open in the cloud for large capacity reasons
Would it be possible for you to share a link to the uploaded scene with us? We’d like to take a closer look at the scene. If the scene is not public, please share the link via PM or an email to support@shapespark.com.
How many Shapespark scenes do you have open in the desktop application at the same time? Does the error occur even when you have one Shapespark scene open for preview/editing in the desktop application?
I’ll send you an e-mail today
I usually open two to four scenes and work on it.
I work like that because of the problem of unifying the color and material values of each scene
OK, I see. If the issue occurs again, could you try closing all the other scenes to see if this unfreezes the save operation?