Can I remove the screen capture button? ("P" button)

Can I remove the screen capture button? (“P” button)


Yes, to disable possibility to capture screenshots you can either:

  • add ‘noscreenshots’ hash to end of the url (example:, or
  • set “WALK.NO_SCREENSHOTS = true” in body-end.html
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Is this code possible… :frowning:

 viewer.onMaterialClicked("001", () => {
        fov: 40,

Can I change the fov(“field of view”) part to JavaScript?


Not sure what is your specific need here, but there is not direct access to camera parameters.
To change the “fov” you would need to create new view via code with custom “fov” value and switch to this view. (example view.fov: 40)

For example, if I moved the view somewhere else, could I change the “fov” value to 70 (default)->50?

You would need to create a transition to a new view using script and alter the destination “fov” value.

For example, when using this example, you would need to add “fov” parameter:

    var view = new WALK.View();
    view.position.x = 0.956;
    view.position.y = -2.922;
    view.position.z = 1.546;
    view.rotation.yawDeg = 121.59;
    view.rotation.pitchDeg = -44.78;
    view.fov = 120;  