Change the lightmap of the scene

We are trying to change the lightmaps of the whole scene, with an api function or using a js function , is this possible ?

This is currently not possible. What is it that you’re trying to achieve with this? Maybe there is some other way around achieving the result you wish for.

I am looking to modify the 4k image generated by the lightmap, the idea is to be able to replace the current lighmap with a modified one by calling it with a function from a button.

I see. Could you tell how you’d like to modify the lightmap, and what effect you’d like to achieve? Do you want to change lighting for certain object or area? Or change the lighting globally for the whole lightmap?

The lightmap switching would be very useful for a few things:

  1. Day/Night switcher. If we could bake separate lightmaps for day and night (evening, morning)
  2. Lights ON/OFF. It would greatly enhance user experience if it would be possible to turn on or off the lights or maybe have more than two different lighting variants of the scene.
    I honestly think it would open a lot of doors for more creativity.
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im looking for usea a heatmap effect, to change all the lightmap to see like a termal view all the scene , the idea its change the lightmap image using photoshop , and then change the 2 options using the api . its posible ?

Thanks for clarification. Unfortunately, I don’t see a way how this heatmap effect could be realized in Shapespark.