Circle burst effects videos for free!

Greetings everyone, I want to share a trick that I’m sure many will be interested in. 36 Circle effects to highlight something you want to action or for whatever you can think of!

To use the effects you must convert the .mov files to .mp4
You can use VLC (Download official VLC media player for Windows - VideoLAN)

  1. Then follow the steps to put the video on a surface.
  2. Remember to use chroma key to fade out the black (R=0, G=0, B=0)
    and last but not least
  3. don’t forget to Isolate Shadows to prevent the video surface from producing unwanted shadows.

Look how the effect can look like :arrow_down: :ok_hand:t3:


Cool. Thank you for sharing this!

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@jorgearq love that, thanks for sharing

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