Complaint about Customer Service


The customer service here at Shapespark is disappointing.

There are minimum tutorials available.

Also the developers speak in technical terms using abbreviations assuming that all their customers understand, well I for one, do not. I’m not a programmer.

Why is there not a long format video tutorial solely about VR for example? Cannot somebody working at Shapespark create such a video and go through all the possible scenarios that a customer may need.

There is not enough help here and it makes me consider other options. I’m sure I’m not the only one.



Hi John,

Thanks for the feedback.

If some answer is not clear, we are happy to provide more explanation or expand an abbreviation, but it would be most helpful if you could ask for such clarifications in specific forum topics.

Shapespark’s HTML Label (Hypertext Markup Language) extension and body-end.html based customizations do require programming knowledge and many posts on this forum are about such customizations. All these posts are in the Customization category and you can unfollow this category to avoid programming related posts. Please see also this post that has more details about Shapespark functions that require programming knowledge.

Thanks for the VR tutorial suggestion, we cannot create such a tutorial this quarter, but will consider it for the Q1 2023.