Create shadows with Switch Object

This is the scene here, but when I change the window pattern with the “Switch Object”, the shadows are properly attached.


My understanding is that in such a case, no shadow is attached.
Switch Object or Isolate Shadow.

Could you please tell me how to set it so that when I switch the object, the shadow also switches with it?

Hi @Eri

It’s not possible to change casting shadows when using Switch Object
However, it is possible to keep self shadowing for a group of objects.

When you set “Isolate shadows” on a group, the whole group do not cast shadows on the other objects in the scene, but the objects within the group still self-shadow one another.

It seems that in this scene, most probably, a whole part of interior (walls, windows, floor, furniture) is switched with another group of objects and shadows are kept properly within that group.


Hi @kamil

Can a function be added to additionally collect shadows and generate a map? Example I placed a 2D white plane without map as a switch object in a furniture group and when baked it generates a transparent png shadow map for the 2D plane. It’s possible? Similar generate the lightmap.

Hi @Vito_Com

Sorry for the late reply. I believe you are referring to something like “Shadow Catcher” functionality. It’s a feature of some rendering engines (for example it’s available in Blender) that allows to render only shadows onto transparent object. It’s a great feature, but it’s not currently possible in Shapespark, sorry. Thanks for the idea, I’ll think about how this could be implemented!