Environment ball effect area out of range

environment ball can effect the area that out of range.in some cases,environment ball is disabled by other environment ball.
if there are multi-env ball in sense,the glass reflection env map is twisted.and i have no way to fix the reflection

For each object the closest light probe from which the object is visible is assigned to the object. In a case where the object is not visible from any light probe, the closest light probe is used.

Each object has only a single light probe assigned, so if you have a large floor that spans multiple rooms it will use a light probe from only one of these rooms.

Could you post a link If you see that light probe assignment doesn’t work like in the description above?

i got it,
i dettached every object by rooms,and it looks fine now.thank you

Hi Jan,

Above you state that 'each object has only a single light probe assigned '.

How do we know which object has which light probe assigned?

Is it possible to pick an object and then change the light probe assigned to it?



Hello John. It is the closest light probe from which the object is visible. It is not possible to change this assignment.