Hello, I have a question about lighting

Hello, I added V-ray light from 3ds max and exported it, but it was compatible with Shapespark at first.

However, adding a light from Shapespark or modifying the color of the v-ray light from Shapespark would result in unlimited loading and eventually had to end the editor.

So, when I only worked on V-ray in 3ds max, the screen shows that the scene failed to load when I exported it and it doesn’t work.

I would like to know if the original V-ray light is compatible with Shapespark or if it is the right way to use Shapespark smoothly, preferably using only Shapespark light without using V-ray light.

Standard and Vray lights should get transferred to Shapespark easily. Are you using Shapespark Exporter for 3ds max? After opening your scene in Shapespark you should have Lights that you’ve created in 3ds max converted into Shapespark lights. You should be able to edit them and It should not affect the performance.

Could you please provide the 3ds Max file you’re experiencing issues with, as well as the Shapespark scene that isn’t functioning correctly? If possible, could you send these files via a platform like WeTransfer?

Kindly send them to me via private message or email at support@shapespark.com. Thank you!

Hello. I’m sorry for the late reply
The problem has been solved by repeatedly exporting it,
I couldn’t send you the file.
May I ask you one more question instead?

Also, I tried to use the switch object function, and I put a number of objects in it, but it turns into a large unknown form and it’s exported. I did a good group of each object, but I really don’t know…

It’s supposed to be like this,

This is what it looks like when I export it.

I will also attach the file by e-mail, so please check it…
thank you

I will take a look at the files and get back to you.

Hi Magda,
Thank you so much for your prompt reply.

Please do check the file and let me know what the issues are and how to fix this as soon as possible.

This project is super urgent :frowning:

Thank you!!

I think the problem is “the machines” in the model. I designed the interior model using 3DS MAX 2019 but the fbx of the machines are delivered from the client. Each fbx files were about 150mb but when I imported it to MAX, the file size became 8gb. So I tried to reduce the size of fbx but it didn’t really work. Please let me know how to fix this issue.

Thank you.

I’m looking at the files right now and trying to figure out the problem.


as you can see in your scene statistic the main issue is heavy geometry. I think that’s why the export is failing. I need to optimize the geometry of the models that you get from the client. You can use ProOptymizer in 3ds Max. My favourite tool for optymizing geometry is Decimate modyfier in Blender.

i see, magda

Is this error also due to a failure in export due to capacity?
Thank you always!


To let us diagnose this error, please use Shapespark app, Help & Support section and send us the logs.

thank you