Help review menu translations to ES/PT/DE/FR


We will be adding an option for scene authors to select language of the help menu to be used in the scene. If you speak Spanish, Portuguese, German or French could you check if the following translations look good and use terms that make sense in the Shapespark help menu context?
We have requested the translations from a translation office, but we are unsure of the quality.

The translations are for the following two windows:


Mouse: Ratón
Keyboard: Teclado
VR teleport: Teletransporte VR
Hold the left button: Mantén presionado el botón izquierdo
Look around: Mira a tu alrededor
Click the left button: Haz clic en el botón izquierdo.
Walk to the clicked place: Camina hasta el lugar donde hiciste clic
Select material, light, object: Selecciona material, luz, objeto
Scroll: Desplázate
Walk straight: Camina en línea recta
Walk straight and look around: Camina en línea recta y mira a tu alrededor
Walk straight and sideways: Camina recto y de lado
Change height: Cambiar altura
Switch view: Cambiar vista
Screenshot: Captura de pantalla
Hide/show menu: Ocultar / mostrar menú
Hide/show mouse pointer: Ocultar / mostrar el puntero del ratón
VR Mode: Modo VR
Gaze at a fixed place: Mira a un punto fijo
or: o
Click a controller button: Pulsa un botón del mando
Teleport: Teletransporte
Touch: Tocar


Mouse: Rato
Keyboard: Teclado
VR teleport: Teletransporte VR
Hold the left button: Mantenha premido o botão esquerdo
Look around: Olhe à volta
Click the left button: Clique no botão esquerdo
Walk to the clicked place: Vá até ao lugar que foi clicado
Select material, light, object: Selecione material, luz, objeto
Scroll: Faça scroll
Walk straight: Vá em frente
Walk straight and look around: Vá em frente e olhe à volta
Walk straight and sideways: Vá em frente e para os lados
Change height: Alterar altura
Switch view: Mudar de vista
Screenshot: Captura de imagem
Hide/show menu: Ocultar/mostrar menu
Hide/show mouse pointer: Ocultar/mostrar a seta do rato
VR Mode: Modo VR
Gaze at a fixed place: Olhe para um lugar fixo
or: Olhe para um lugar fixo
Click a controller button: Clique num botão controlador
Teleport: Teletransporte
Touch: Tato


Mouse: Maus
Keyboard: Keyboard
VR teleport: VR-Teleport
Hold the left button: Halten Sie die linke Taste gedrückt
Look around: Umschauen
Click the left button: Klicken Sie auf die linke Taste
Walk to the clicked place: Gehen Sie zum angeklickten Platz
Select material, light, object: Material, Licht, Objekt auswählen
Scroll: Blättern
Walk straight: Geradeaus gehen
Walk straight and look around: Geradeaus gehen und sich umsehen
Walk straight and sideways: Gerade und seitwärts gehen
Change height: Höhe ändern
Switch view: Ansicht wechseln
Screenshot: Bildschirmfoto
Hide/show menu: Menüpunkt ausblenden / anzeigen
Hide/show mouse pointer: Mauszeiger aus-/einblenden
VR Mode: VR-Modus
Gaze at a fixed place: Blick auf einen festen Platz
or: oder
Click a controller button: Kontrollertaste anklicken
Teleport: Teleportieren
Touch: Touch/Tippen auf


Mouse: Souris
Keyboard: Clavier
VR teleport: Téléport RV
Hold the left button: Maintenez le bouton gauche
Look around: Regardez autour
Click the left button: Cliquez sur le bouton gauche
Walk to the clicked place: Parcourez jusqu’à l’endroit cliqué
Select material, light, object: Sélectionnez le matériel, la lumière, l’objet
Scroll: Défilement
Walk straight: Allez tout droit
Walk straight and look around: Allez tout droit et regardez autour
Walk straight and sideways: Allez tout droit et de côté
Change height: Changez la hauteur
Switch view: Changez de vue
Screenshot: Capture d’écran
Hide/show menu: Masquer / Afficher le menu
Hide/show mouse pointer: Masquer / Afficher le pointeur de la souris
VR Mode: Mode RV
Gaze at a fixed place: Fixez un endroit précis
or: ou
Click a controller button: Cliquez sur un bouton de commande
Teleport: Téléport
Touch: Touchez


Hi Jan,

this is my suggestion for the German translation. Adjustments are marked bold

Mouse: Maus
Keyboard: Keyboard
VR teleport: VR-Teleport
Hold the left button: Linke Maustaste gedrückt halten
Look around: Umschauen
Click the left button: Klick auf die linke Maustaste
Walk to the clicked place: Gehen Sie zum angeklickten Punkt
Select material, light, object: Material, Licht, Objekt auswählen
Scroll: Mausrad
Walk straight: Geradeaus gehen
Walk straight and look around: Geradeaus gehen und umsehen
Walk straight and sideways: Geradeaus und seitwärts gehen
Change height: Höhe ändern
Switch view: Ansicht wechseln
Screenshot: Bildschirmfoto
Hide/show menu: Menü aus- / einblenden
Hide/show mouse pointer: Mauszeiger aus-/einblenden
VR Mode: VR-Modus
Gaze at a fixed place: Blick auf einem Punkt fixieren
or: oder
Click a controller button: Controller Taste drücken
Teleport: Teleportieren
Touch: Tippen

Maybe some other German users can have a look too?
@Simon @ok-360

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Nice feature!

I love that you guys are constantly working hard to improve Shapespark. Thank you so much.

By the way, is it possible to change the key color as well? For example, changing the blue colors in the help menu to other colors.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank you @tim! We will make these changes to the German version.

@Cob_KYU we will keep this request in mind, but we will not be adding color change function together with the translations.

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Better to translate it to: Zum angeklickten Punkt bewegen

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my new suggestion for keyboard :slight_smile:
Keyboard: Tastatur


Hi Jan,

As a Turkish user, I would like to help for the Turkish translation.

We are using Shapespark and our Turkish clients enjoy it very much!

BASIC: Basit

ADVANCED: İleri Düzey

Mouse: Fare

Keyboard: Klavye

VR teleport: Sanal Gerçeklik Işınlanma

Hold the left button: Sol tuşa basılı tut

Look around: Çevrene bak

Click the left button: Sol tuşa tıkla

Walk to the clicked place: Tıkladığın alana yürü

Select material, light, object: Materyal, ışık veya obje seç

Scroll: Aşağı kaydır

Walk straight: Düz yürü

Walk straight and look around: Düz yürü ve çevrene bakın

Walk straight and sideways: Düz ve yanlana doğru yürü

Change height: Yükseklik değiştir

Switch view: Görünüm değiştir

Screenshot: Ekran Görüntüsü

Hide/show menu: Menüyü göster/gizle

Hide/show mouse pointer: İmleci göster/gizle

VR Mode: Sanal Gerçeklik Modu

Gaze at a fixed place: Bir noktaya kitlenerek bak

or: veya

Click a controller button: Kumanda butonuna tıkla

Teleport: Işınlan

Touch: Dokun

I hope you add Turkish to the Language options!
Take care,


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Can also help to add CN? I got Chinese customer need this

Mouse: 滑鼠
Keyboard: 键盘
VR teleport: VR 传送
Hold the left button: 按住左键
Look around: 调整视角
Click the left button: 单按左键
Walk to the clicked place: 走去指定地点
Select material, light, object: 选择材质,灯光,物体
Scroll: 滑轮
Walk straight: 直走
Walk straight and look around: 调整视角
Walk straight and sideways: 移动
Change height: 调整高度
Switch view: 移直指定视角
Screenshot: 截图
Hide/show menu: 隐藏/显示菜单
Hide/show mouse pointer: 隐藏/显示鼠标
VR Mode: VR模式
Gaze at a fixed place: 凝视一个固定的地方
or: 或
Click a controller button: 单击控制器按钮
Teleport: 传送
Touch: 触碰

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Thanks @alptamer and @Vito_Com! We will also add Turkish and Chinese.

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Great to hear! Thank you :slight_smile:

@alptamer for the ‘VR Teleport’ is some shorter term possible in Turkish? ‘Sanal Gerçeklik Işınlanma’ doesn’t fit well within the window:

Some languages use ‘VR’ without translating, perhaps ‘VR Işınlanma’ would be understandable?

Exactly. VR Işınlanma seems alright. Probably people using VR are also aware of the name VR itself.

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In Brazilian Portuguese

Mouse: Mouse
Keyboard: Teclado
VR teleport: Teletransporte VR
Hold the left button: Mantenha pressionado o botão esquerdo
Look around: Olhe ao redor
Click the left button: Clique com o botão esquerdo
Walk to the clicked place: Ande até o lugar que foi clicado
Select material, light, object: Selecione material, luz, objeto
Scroll: Rolagem
Walk straight: Ande em frente
Walk straight and look around: Ande em frente e olhe ao redor
Walk straight and sideways: Ande em frente e para os lados
Change height: Variar altura
Switch view: Alternar entre cenas
Screenshot: Captura de imagem
Hide/show menu: Ocultar/mostrar menu
Hide/show mouse pointer: Ocultar/mostrar a seta do mouse
VR Mode: Modo VR
Gaze at a fixed place: Olhe para um lugar fixo
or: Olhe para um lugar fixo
Click a controller button: Clique num botão controlador
Teleport: Teletransporte
Touch: Toque

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Thanks @Cristiano_Chaussard, we have incorporated your suggested changes.

Could you add Korean version as well?

BASIC: 기본 조작법
ADVANCED: 상세 조작법
Mouse: 마우스
Keyboard: 키보드
VR teleport: VR 이동
Hold the left button: 좌측 버튼 드래그
Look around: 주변 둘러보기
Click the left button: 좌측 버튼 클릭
Walk to the clicked place: 클릭한 곳으로 이동
Select material, light, object: 재질, 조명, 사물 선택
Scroll: 스크롤
Walk straight: 직진 이동
Walk straight and look around: 직진 이동 / 주변 둘러보기
Walk straight and sideways: 직진 이동 / 옆으로 이동
Change height: 높이 조절
Switch view: 뷰 선택
Screenshot: 스크린샷
Hide/show menu: 메뉴 On/Off
Hide/show mouse pointer: 마우스 포인터 On/Off
VR Mode: VR 모드
Gaze at a fixed place: 특정 장소 바라보기
or: 혹은
Click a controller button: 컨트롤러 버튼 클릭
Teleport: 텔레포트
Touch: 터치

Thank you !

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Hi, this chinese text can help to change it to imporve the meaning.

Switch view: 移直指定视角 > Switch view: 移动至指定视角

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Thanks @Vito_Com and everyone who contributed the translations. The translations are now released and can be selected in the editor Viewer tab. If you have any suggestions for corrections please post them in this thread and we will incorporate them.


Here’s my input for french :

For “Basic” and “Advanced”, if you mean “basic/advanced controls” it’s “Avancés” (control is a masculine noun).

“Téléport” is a “field of antennas”, “Téléportation” is better. Also, VR is used more often than RV.
=> VR teleport: Téléportation VR
=> Teleport: Téléportation

Walk to the clicked place: Déplacez-vous jusqu’à l’endroit cliqué

Click a controller button: Since it’s not a mouse, i’d go for “Appuyez sur un bouton de la manette” or “Appuyez sur un bouton du contrôleur”. “Commande” is mostly used for a tv remote (at least where I live :slight_smile:) “manette” and “contrôleur” are the same but “contrôleur” sounds more professional.

The rest looks fine to me !

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Thanks, we will include these corrections.

Hello Jan,
is it already possible to change the language? If yes, how can I change the language in shapespark?