How to add cameraVolumeTrigger anchor in code

var gfStepsConfig = addCameraTrigger([1.35, -2.79,1.56],[0.56, 0.4,1])

var gfStepsAnchor = viewer.addAnchor(gfStepsConfig, stepsCameraAnimation);

function stepsCameraAnimation(){

function addCameraTrigger(pos, scale){
return anchorConfig ={
position :pos,
rotation :[0,0,0],
scale: scale,

I’m trying something like this, but its not working

@wojtek @jan , Please help!!!

Hi Yuvaraj_Geethavel

Camera Volume Trigger isn’t an Anchor and can’t be currently added through Viewer API. We’ll discuss internally the topic of including such a method to the API.

Cool Thanks, Please let us know the update soon!!!