Thank you for your help
But I’m Still confused:
Why when I used the code as follows in Shapespark Client. It works
function showBanner(viewName) { }
var viewer = WALK.getViewer();
viewer.onSceneReadyToDisplay(function() {
for (const node of viewer.findNodesOfType('sh1_002')) {
However, When I used the code in javascript editor, saved, reload. But it doesn’t work
function showBanner(viewName) { }
var viewer = WALK.getViewer;
viewer.onSceneReadyToDisplay(function() {
for (const node of viewer.findNodesOfType('sh1_002')) {
does viewer.setNodeTypeEditable('sh1_002'); is unnessessary? or another reason couses the code in javascript editor doesn’t work?
Google Chrome console shows: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) :13585/favicon.ico:1
And Uncaught ReferenceError: WALK is not defined at WwquqvL:4:15
and javascript editor shows: DocType must be declared first
if icon not found, why the scene can show it?
And WALK seems Shapespark inner variant.
DocType seems is not necessary to be declared