Led cove lighting fix


How can i fix this cove lighting in this project?

Best regards,
Marco de Vries


It’s hard to say from just a screen shot. Is there area light in the gap between the ceiling?
If it’s just a very strong emissive material than this might be causing the issues. Could you send ma a link to your scene? I will take a closer look and let you know.

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Hi Magda,

Thank you for your reply.

here the link: Led cove lighting fix - #2 by magda

There is area light in the gap yes.

Could you send me a link to your scene? I will be able to analyse what is causing the issues.

hereby the scene: 3D scene

Thank you for the link. I will take a look at the scene and get back to you.

@ledsko12 I managed to get better results with your scene.

There is still few problems but I will tell you how to solve them.

First I would add a stripe in 3d modeling program that will have an emissive material and delete all area lights from your ceiling. Important for this that this new stripe will be in a small distance from the wall and facing up.

Right now the area light that you were using were facing down and were in the small distance from the geometry and this was causing some artifacts in the lightmap. Also the lights were too strong.

I changed some settings in your scene:

  • I disabled isolate shadows for the ceiling and walls

  • I changed sky light strength to 8 and Sun Light to 15 - more natural light is coming inside and scene looks brighter.

  • with this amount of lights in the scene you get better results and more detailes in the shadows by using higher lightmap resolution - baking will take longer time but the results will be better.
    Settings that I have used:

if you will have any further questions let me know.

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