Material picker and moving in Vr

Hi Guys,

I wanted to try my scene in Vr but i only have a smartphone and a google cardboard.
But i do not understand how i can move in Vr, do i need to buy another and nicer vr glasses ore how does this work?
If yes do you have any suggestions?

And is it normal that i don’t see the material picker in Vr mode?

Thanks in advance,
Keep up the good work, really nice software!


Hello Sam,

With cardboard you need to look at a fixed place for some time to activate gaze based teleport. It is demonstrated here: Gaze-based teleport for VR in Shapespark - YouTube

Yes, material picker is disabled in VR.

Thanks Jan,

Is there any idea when the material picker will be available in vr mode, ore is this not on the list to develop.

Is it possible to vieuw the model in a oculus go ore samsung gear and move whit the controllers by picking your next point.
This would be also a nice way how to choose your materials in vr.

In VR controllers activate the teleport, so you don’t need to wait for the timer, but can teleport instantly with the controller click.

We don’t have plans to make the material picker available in VR in the short term. The fact that the UI would need to support cardboard that doesn’t have a controller as well as devices with controllers makes it quite difficult.

I was wondering if there any progress in material picker VR support.
If that is not an option, any chance of making HTML label extension to work in VR?
If I understand correctly, the only way to use material picker (or other extensions) in VR is to exit out of VR mode, change the material, then go back to the VR mode?

We are working on it. Material picker support for VR mode will be included in the next release.


This is awesome! You guys rock!
Any word on WEB XR support?
I just stumbled upon some demos WebXR - Samples
They work really well with both Oculus Quest and Oculus GO

We are indeed working on migrating from the deprecated WebVR standard to the new WebXR standard.


This is very cool! It’s nice to hear that your team is staying on the top of the latest technologies.
Way to go!

Very nice notices! I’m wating for next releace!!! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3: