No sky texture visible

The light probes are generated in the first walk view. Orbit and top views are used only if there are no walk views. This is because orbit and top views often hide ceiling, which causes the light probes to be incorrect.

Light probes are not baked, but generated every time the scene is loaded, this is why your solution to add a temporary ‘fake’ view did not work.

The editor does not allow to achieve what you need, you would need to manually modify the scene.json file which is a bit involved process. Here is how to do it:

  • Add a fake view of type walk with the sky, ensure it is the first view on the view list and save the scene.
  • Open Documents\Shapespark\SCENE-NAME\ scene.json file in some editor (for example Notepad++ as described here).
  • Search for the name of your fake view in this file. You will see it has the following property "hideFromMenu": false, change false to true, save the file and reload the scene.