Hello everyone, I am new to this program and this is my first demo of a small project.
I would like to know how I can improve the shadows of the light and if they know some type of page to place real grass.
thanks greetings
February 7, 2019, 2:33pm
Hi @Cubica_2 , very nice scene!
As for the shadows and lighting you could try to make more use of natural lighting to illuminate the interiors. For example:
Set the opacity of the blinds and windowpanes to 0 for the time of baking.
Increase the sky strength to 8-10.
Disable (for example by setting strength to 0) all the artificial light sources except the ones in the kitchen.
Reduce the factor of or disable ambient occlusion.
And for a higher-quality and less noisy result you could use higher number of samples - we suggest 800 for final bakes.