Possibility to hide the top right menu

Hello, I need to see the screen without the menu on the top right, will it be possible to hide that menu? Many customers ask me about that. Specially when viewed on mobile phones

Currently you can hide all menu items only on desktop by entering full screen, or by pressing the m key.

Do you need to always hide the top right menu on mobile, or have a button to fold/unfold it?

Hi @jan, fold and unfold button, that’s what I want! :ok_hand:t3:

Hello @wojtek and @jan ,

Is it possible to show the Hidden menu state on scene load ? And if user wants to open the menu, they can click on the open button and get back the original state.

Is this possible ?

It is possible with a JavaScript like this:

WALK.getViewer().menuVisible = false;

See the description of the menuVisible property in the JavaScript API doc.

Thank you @jan,

It worked.