Possible GLB import?

Hi everyone.

I haven’t had a look at the Shapespark software just yet, however I noticed when looking at formats of 3D models that can be imported, I didn’t see GLB as an option. Do you know if there is any development for this import option at all as this would be great for people who have their files in this format.

Thanks for any info!

Hi there,

I’m not sure if Shapespark is adding in support for this file format or not, however, a solution might be to use SketchUp, using the following Extension to allow for .glb file importing.


I hope this helps

We haven’t tested it on any larger project, but the library that Shapespark uses for importing input files supports GLB, and the import seems to work with this sample file: glTF-Sample-Models/CesiumMilkTruck.glb at master · KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models · GitHub