Set Password To Protect Scenes Content

Hi, I’m would like to add on a password to protect my scenes to go live after uploaded. Do you have this kind of function ?

There is no such function. What you could do is change the scene name to include some random character and digit string, for example: SCENE-NAME-aiSh7Shoyi8. This will make the scene URL obfuscated and hard to guess:

Is there possible for us users to acess the FTP folder to put our model and configure a password to the folder?

Shapespark hosting doesn’t have FTP access. Do you want to share via FTP the final result or editable files for someone to open them in the Shapespark desktop application? In the second case all the files are in Documents\Shapespark folder on your disk so you can share them via any FTP service or services like Dropbox or Google Drive.