Switch Objects button not showing on bundle

Hi everyone,

We are trying to implement an object switch button on Shapespark.

The button works perfectly when we open the scene in the Shapespark app.
Recording of the correct behaviour: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kvm8gzprjo1djxj9zjd0k/Shapespark-app.mp4?rlkey=s337tgo4qg46y2ol2q0hmnyt5&st=aumlte1c&dl=0

When we bundle the scene and upload it online the button does not appear, check it here: https://3dmodelswitcher.flooriing.com

What could be causing this issue?

Here are the button and view settings.

Thank you in advance!

The scene gets an error:
Failed to get: extra-assets/managed/Pool_Change_button.png, retrying in 7.558003635349083s
It probably means that there is no Pool_Change_button.png in the extra-assets/managed/ directory in the bundle. Can you try adding it there and see if it fixes the issue?

You are using a very old version of shapespark, have you tried a newer version and tested if the issue is present there as well?

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