Upload to my server

I try uploading scenes to my server but was not successful.
I try two different servers.

I use Bundle with plan plus.

Second question.
Can it work for example in Godaddy?
Or you can recommend a server where this scene will work, better somewhere in Asian.

Thank you.

This index.html look to contain your body-end.html file not the complete index.html from the Bundle. Did you follow these instructions: https://help.shapespark.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009008278-Host-scenes-on-your-own-server-Plus-plan-or-perpetual-license-

I upload the demo scene to my server and it works.

But have no idea how to make my scene work.
Maybe you can help me with that somehow.
My scene for download:

Is this .zip file just a result of using the Bundle button in the Shapespark main window or did you do anything more to create it? The index.html file within this .zip file doesn’t look right.

This is just after the Bundle button.
This is the whole Shapespark scene:
Download link

Thanks! Please remove index.html file from the Documents\Shapespark\games and create the bundle again.
Your customizations already are in the body-end.html and having such additional index.html breaks the scene.

Thank you seems working but has some errors.

If you open Chrome developer tools (F12) Network tab it shows some missing files in red, for example: https://hkitblog.net/games/2022-01-26-16-38-02/img/small/std/2SNAG-0432.jpg
Check if they are present on your server.

Thank you yes I see.
Seams they are in the server but not working.
Maybe there is different in big letters.

I change textures names and now everything working. Thank you.

Perhaps your file transfer program (FTP?) has some option that renames the files?