there are small gaps between faces of the mesh if you load the model in shapespark only
please help me solve this
but the glb i am creating from three js application doesnt have anything neither on blender nor on gltf viewer
if someone can help me debug this
The problem is probably caused by vertex quantization, which is performed so that the scene can load quickly. There are 2 possible solutions:
Fixing the mesh: If there is a hole visible, it means that the two neighbouring triangles have separate vertices in the corner. Those two vertices should be merged into one, then the problem should no longer be visible.
Another solution is to tweak the vertex quantization parameters:
- Locate the Shapespark configuration file:
- Open the configuration file in a text editor (eg. Notepad or Notepad++).
- Insert the following property adjusting the default value = 0.0005 (meters) to your needs:
(You can try smaller (like 0.00005) and larger values (like 0.001))
"vertexAccuracy": 0.0005
- Make sure all the configuration properties except the last one ends with a comma.
- Restart Shapespark.
- Update / re-import the gltf model.