Thank you, not sure if I follow (well, clearly I don’t:-) - ObjectRug and Object curtain are not the same object? So I’m trying to click on on the rug and on the curtain to swap the video texture on a material applied to a completely different (third) object…
Please see below the full script I’m using, sorry to be a pain…
const viewer = WALK.getViewer();
function createVideoTexture(src, muted, loop) {
const video = document.createElement('video');
video.src = src;
video.autoplay = false;
video.muted = muted;
video.loop = loop;
return viewer.createTextureFromHtmlVideo(video);
function setUpExternalVideoTexture(triggerNodeTypeName, materialName,
videoSrc, muted, loop) {
let videoTexture = null;
viewer.onNodeTypeClicked(triggerNodeTypeName, function() {
// Create the video texture only once.
if (!videoTexture) {
videoTexture = createVideoTexture(videoSrc, muted, loop);
const material = viewer.findMaterial(materialName);
material.baseColorTexture = videoTexture;
if (!videoTexture.isPlaying) {;
} else {
return true;
setUpExternalVideoTexture('ObjectRug', 'RugMaterial', '', false, true);
setUpExternalVideoTexture('ObjectCurtain A', 'RugMaterial', '', false, true);