Virtual Art Galery

A while ago we finished a virtual art gallery. I think it is time to share the scene also in the forum.

The task was to show paintings of several artists in a gallery, including profiles of the artists, and to implement their video statements into the scene.

Blink Art Group


@tim, I think there is a typo in the link: “sklae” instead of “skale”. Shouldn’t it be ?

Thank you, Wojciech! I fixed it.

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First than anything, its an amazing work CONGRATS =D

I loved the personalization of the interface and the intro loading Infinity logo WOW

What type of coding is it or how do you manged to personalize it?

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Beautiful work @tim :ok_hand:, I had not been able to visit it.
I have this consultations:

  1. In the video, how do you manage to change the artists’ images for a pause symbol and at the same time activate the video on the screen? Did you do it with the shapespark API? Which section did you use?
  2. When you touch a paint. How do you get the information box to appear that way? Is that programming I guess, or is it something you can do with the shapespark API?

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

This is all individual programming done in JavaScript. But please don’t ask me how to do it. I have no clue. But a partner who can do wonderful things like this :wink:

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Can I hire you or your partner to do something similar?

I’m sorry to inform you that we do not offer custom programming outside of our projects.


Can you help me with how to customize the loader of shapespark scene?