MotoCut showroom

This has been an interesting project that will hopefully grow into something spectacular.

The client launched their products in the US and used this scene in the launching seminar (and also ever since) to teach the retail staff in Texas about the qualities of the product.

Please let me know what you think :slight_smile:


Hi @ville,
I like several things:
The video with transparent background in the middle of space, the glowing furniture in the center of the room, the Chat and data collection buttons (how did you make them?)
I like the ambience and the industrial look of the scene. Nice :+1:t3::slightly_smiling_face:

Rotating machine created as a video with transparency is a super effect! Did you try using Y to camera option for this object?


It never crossed my mind. Thanks for the idea!

Thanks Jorge! We coded the chat tool ourselves (please see Simple chat application).

We have also made a more sophisticated version that is showcased in this video: RAFO 2021 -ohjeistus - YouTube

Everything unfortunately in Finnish. In short we added:

  • Registration and automatic digital business card generation by registration details
  • Sending / receiving business cards and instant viewing of the ones received
  • Custom chat rooms / 1-on-1 chat rooms
  • List of participants (that naturally generate into leads)

If you want any more technical info, then @Jumbe is your man.

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@ville looks dope mate.

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Hi @ville,
Nice project. i like the way you do with transparency video.
I want ask some things:
When i moved the cursor into this object,material was change (something like emissive material…). can you show me how to do it.

Hi @merri thanks a lot.

The mouse over effect can be found here: MouseOver effect - #17 by Mahesh

You can use the “script” extension from the viewer tab in the Shapespark editor and copy this snippet there. Just change the “NAME-OF-YOUR-MATERIAL” to the name of the material you want to highlight, save and upload.

const viewer = WALK.getViewer();

function handleHoverChanged(material, hoverActive) {
if (hoverActive) { = ‘pointer’;
} else { = ‘’;

viewer.onMaterialHoverChanged(‘NAME-OF-YOUR-MATERIAL’, handleHoverChanged);
viewer.onMaterialHoverChanged(‘NAME-OF-YOUR-MATERIAL-2’, handleHoverChanged);

function handleHoverChanged(material, hoverActive) {
if (hoverActive) { = ‘pointer’;
material.emissive = true;
material.emissionStrength = 2;
} else { = ‘’;
material.emissive = false;


@ville thanks u so much.
i will try it. :blush:

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That is an interesting project what you did!

I would like to ask you how did you customize the buttons!

That is a really good idea!

Looking forward to hearing from you !

Thank you


Are you referring to the UI buttons in the lower right? Those were done through javascript in the body-end -file of the Shapespark file. The chat script can be found here: Simple chat application