New release: team accounts

After the upcoming Shapespark release, Shapespark accounts with the Standard and Plus plans will be able to make subscriptions payments for several users and grant these users permissions to upload scenes to the main account.

This feature is intended for companies that would like to easily pay for multiple licenses and that would like to keep scenes created and uploaded by several employees in a single company account. Teams make it also easy for freelancers working with Shapespark to pass the scenes ownership and hosting cost to their customers.

How to create the team: a short guide

Use the new Teams tab at to add members to your team:

Add member button allows you to enter Shapespark username of the new team member, the permissions that the member will have and calculates how much the subscription fee will increase to cover the license of the new user:

Each member can have one of the following upload permissions. These permissions can be changed at anytime:

  1. Application only: a team member can use the Shapespark application, but cannot upload scenes to your main account.
  2. Upload own scenes: a team member can use the Shapespark application, upload new scenes and overwrite scenes in your main account that were uploaded previously by him/her.
  3. Upload all scenes: a team member can use the Shapespark application, create new scenes and overwrite all scenes in your main account.

The user that belongs to a team can select to which account a scene will be uploaded after clicking the Upload button in the Shapespark desktop application:



Team error report

teams Upload in other account 01

teams error message

In Teams, after uploading the tour to the other account the message with the tour’s web address appears but the address is wrong, the address is generated with my shapespark account and not with the other client’s account.

In this case this address is generated

When should this be


Thanks for the report, @jorgearq. We’ll fix it.

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Suport? Can U hear me?

It is only possible to add an existing Shapespark account as a team member (it can be trial account). So first the team member needs to signup to create an account and then you can add such account.

Thanks Jan.
I’ll do it.

Sorry, but now we have another error here

After this last error I decided to try to log in with my new account and call my first account as a team member on the new account. It worked, but my expectation was to have the two accounts unified, but what I found was the new account with two scenes and the old with almost 50 scenes. I also found totally separate settings management areas and now I don’t know how to deal with the custom URL.
It got confusing for me

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The most likely reason for the first failure is that the credit card payment for the team member account failed for some reason. Do you perhaps have a transaction limit in your credit card settings that exceed a payment for two Plus plans?

Both team members have separate account. The account that created a team is the main team account and it should be the one used to configure the custom domain. The main account is also charged for all team members subscriptions (in your case two). The member sub account is able to upload scenes to the main team account (when uploading a popup window asks to which account the scene should be uploaded).


Am I correct in understanding that team members can only upload to the main account, but cannot access the main account’s shapespark cloud to edit or download scenes?

Also, is it correct that the number of scenes that can be uploaded to the main account is limited to the number of subscriptions to the main account, not including those allocated to the team members’ accounts?

Yes, this is correct.

This limit for the main account is not raised automatically when you add team members, but if you let us know, we can raise it to (number of team members) x (number of slots for a single-user account).

Thank you very much!