Please create a texture resolution import override

There is one more approach to this issue.

The automatic texture scaling factor depends on how much the texture is stretched on a surface, but not how large the surface is. The more stretched the texture is, the higher the auto-scaled texture resolution will be. So, each square in your texture pool can be even as small as 10x10 centimeters, provided that it is covered only by a part of the texture corresponding to 10x10 centimeters surface in real world. This should already give you reasonable auto-scaling resolution, but if you’d like to use higher resolution, then cover your 10x10 centimiters square with texture part corresponding to even smaller surface in real world, eg. 5x5 centimiters (texture stretching factor = 2).

There is one caveat described here: Material picker problem - #5 by wojtek Any texture that can be potentially tiled after applying it from the material picker should be already tiled in the material pool. So, for each such texture create an additional 10x10 centimiters square in the texture pool, but this time, when applying the texture, shrink the texture mapping so that the texture is tiled on this small square (eg. the texture occurs 2x2 times on the square).

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