Room looks huge in VR whereas on desktop i look fine

Hi Everyone, I am working on an interior walkthrough using VR and my room looks huge and I feel tiny in the room in VR. Whereas it looks fine on the desktop screen. Does anyone know how I can make the view feel real inside VR? like it looks on the desktop. If anyone has any idea please help. I am using Oculus Quest for this project.

Thank you.

@Mahesh try raising your viewpoint. It is possible that you are just to low in VR. On desktop you change the height of your eyes with Q and A on the keyboard. No idea how you do that on Quest though.

Hi @Kuba , thanks for your reply. I had tried changing the height, but i don’t feel its the height issue its the overall perspective.i feel its something to do with camera and Field of view but not sure how it works in VR.

@Mahesh, we are aware of the issue, and we have already implemented a fix. We aim to release the fix for online scenes hosted on our infrastructure next week. In case of offline scenes you might have to wait a bit longer, for a new version of the desktop application, planned to be rolled out by the end of January.

@Kuba, in 1.14.0 we have added some improvements to VR controller support. You can now adjust height using controller buttons (as well as switch between views and walk).

In regard to VR, the new version will also include automatic floor detection for VR. If a VR headset provides height information, this information will be used to automatically adjust camera height above the floor, so no manual height adjustment will be required.


That is graet news @wojtek! Thank you!

Exciting stuff :grinning: Waiting for the next release @wojtek. Thank you and All the best!!

Did you find the solution for this?

This issue has been fixed. Do you have an example of a scene when the room seems to large to you in VR? What HMD are you using?

i am using Meta Quest. The 360 3d image of a room looks super big in it.
Help me with a solution

Could you share a link to your scene, so we tried to reproduce the issue on our end? If the scene is not public, please send it via forum’s private message or via

Which version of the Quest do you have?

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