November 9, 2020, 9:47am
Anyone who has their own website and self-hosting presentation of Shapespark can find this information or similar about it.
Of course, it is necessary to embed Google Analytic code in the Shapespark presentation for a better rating of that page, because Google respects the number of visits to that page and the retention of visitors on it.
In the Documents\Shapespark\SCENE-NAME\ folder on your disk, you can include body-end.html file. This file allows you to place your custom HTTML, CSS or JavaScript code.
In this file, you can place a Google Analytics script code . You need to create a Google Analytics account to replace UA-XXXXX-Y in this code with a proper value for your account.
After modifying the body-end.html file you need to upload or bundle the scene again for the changes to take effect.
If you place the same code in al…