We’ve just released Shapespark 2.9.5 with the following changes:
- Modernized the dashboard user interface.
- Fixed auto-path not finding correctly paths on certain simplified scenes.
- Introduced filtering option in the object tree in object tab.
- Introduced greater adjustability of the camera volume triggers for certain extensions. For HTML Label, Audio, Material Picker, Video texture Control, Meeting Projection Screen, Video Stream it is now possible to specify that upon entering or exiting the volume the extensions should either activate, deactivate or change to the other state.
- Viewer user interface localization for the Finnish language.
- Fixed material pickers spheres being wrongly placed in VR mode.
- Allow adding hover callbacks using onNodeTypeHoverChanged for Anchors added through the API.
- Fix Revit exporter not to change light names on subsequent exports during one Revit session. This caused Shapespark light settings to be lost on a scene update.