Shapespark releases

Where I can find the social media buttons?

@jorgearq do you mean the Twitter and Facebook buttons below the scene thumbnails on the page? We removed them some time ago during some UI cleanup, as they didn’t seem to be used much.

@jan I had no chance to implement them!, now I have the opportunity to do it with a client who is planning a virtual fair!

  1. could you put them back?
  2. How can I do something similar with the HTLM extension?

@jorgearq I think you mean a social buttons that are in the scene. We never have them directly supported, but it is possible to add them like here: Button to Share in scene - #2 by jan

@jan I have an idea:
What if we put an invisible anchor in front of these buttons and in the HTLM extension write the corresponding scrip?.
Could we do that?

What you recommend is not easy for me because I am not a programmer and that although it seems simple I do not know how to do it! I’m going to try anyway.

@jorgearq let’s continue the discussion in this thread: Button to Share in scene - #4 by jan

Shapespark 1.16.0 is out with the following list of changes:

  • New or improved extensions:
    • Allow to activate extensions by clicking any 3D object in the scene. For example: clicking a TV object can play a video on the TV, clicking a phone object can start a phone/conference call.
    • Rename extension anchors to triggers.
    • A Change view extension to switch views with triggers. The extension combined with the Isolate shadows object setting facilitates buliding scene configurators - it allows to switch objects without moving the camera.
    • A Script extension to execute arbitrary JavaScript code when the scene is loaded or a trigger is clicked. It simplifies adding interactions with the viewer API to the scene.
    • A Video texture control extension to start a video with sound and to toggle video playback when a trigger is clicked.
    • Allow Audio track to be played when a trigger is clicked.
    • Add marker icons for popular meeting or messaging apps, including Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger.
  • Reduce the size of lightmaps by using smaller margin around lightmap islands. This speeds up scene baking and download by 5-10%.
  • Revit add-in improvements:
    • Import advanced material properties from Revit. The imported properties include roughness, bump, metallic scalars and textures.
    • Import decals as textured meshes.
    • Support for the just released Revit 2021.
    • Handle custom geometries with per-face normals.
  • Speed up .fbx .dae .obj models import.
  • Significantly improve frame rate for scenes using a light probe on iOS devices.
  • Show thumbnail and title when a scene is shared in popular messaging/social platforms (eg. Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp).
  • Make orbit views use walk navigation in the VR mode, because orbit navigation is not compatible with VR.
  • Fix viewer freeze on Android devices (including Oculus Go/Quest) when a scene with video texture is switched to the VR mode.
  • Make scene upload or bundle safe to cancel.
  • Disable and reload editor when a scene is re-imported or uploaded. Prevents problems with concurrent modifications of a scene.
  • Allow to enter VR mode when a scene is opened from the local computer with the HTTP protocol (http://localhost:5000). In 1.15.0 the HTTPS protocol was always required, so the VR mode couldn’t be entered without uploading the scene.
  • Improve scene bundling to work with older IIS servers not handling .woff2 or .wasm files out of the box.
  • Fix scenes not opening in the desktop application if Windows was configured to return text/plain content type for JavaScript files.
  • Update the list of keyboard actions in the advanced section of the viewer’s help.

A post was split to a new topic: Editor panel disappears when an extension is added on a 3D object

That’s an impressive update! I am looking forward to test those new functions for the extensions

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Really awesome updates, guys!

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Many times I don’t have internet connection and I can’t show VR experience! Now I can! Thanks!

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We have just released Shapespark 1.17.0 with the following changes:

  • Support for importing lights defined by Revit’s lighting fixtures. The support includes importing an IES profile if a lighting fixture uses one.
  • Automatically adjust brightness of spheres shown by the material picker. Material options were often too bright when shown in darker interiors.
  • Settings in the Video texture control and Audio extensions to disable looping of videos and sounds.
  • Support for importing models in GLB format (binary version of glTF with embedded textures).
  • Support for importing FBX files with embedded textures.
  • Swap q and e keys for changing the height of the camera to match most other programs key bindings.
  • Provide default responsive sizes for img, video and iframe elements in HTML labels to improve the default layout of such elements.
  • Improve utilization of CPU cores when compressing textures.
  • Fix color picker for the water material.
  • Fix iPad being detected as a desktop device when a scene was opened in iOS 13.
  • Fix importing of meshes without any faces.
  • Fix an issue with some browsers using invalid color space for gray scale textures.
  • Increase size of the scroll bar in the top left views menu.

After upgrading to 1.17 I cannot bundle my scene anymore

It is solved. It was a problem with the fire wall.

Hi, @wojtek. I don’t think mine is working, as you can see below:

Do I need to do something specific to have such responsive images?

@Anthoni, thanks for the report. We’ve improved the default responsive sizes, so that images don’t overflow the viewport vertically. After we deploy the fix to our hosting - should happen by the end of this week - images will look OK in the online scenes.

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Thank you @wojtek! :clap:t4: :clap:t4: :clap:t4:

We have just released Shapespark 1.17.1 with the following changes:

  • Support for opacity information in video textures. The alpha channel can be computed automatically using the chroma keying technique, or provided by the user in the lower half of the video file.
  • Fix the Shapespark End User License Agreement dialog. On low resolution screens the license text overflowed the “Accept” button making it impossible to click the button.
  • Fix water material settings not being preserved on a scene update.
  • Fix default responsiveness of img and video elements in HTML labels. Now, they are never upscaled and do to not overflow the screen vertically.
  • Fix Revit add-in not to fail when a Revit family is exported.
  • Fix sky light not being used in baking/preview until the scene has been saved for the first time.
  • Do not allow the scene name to start with a dash. Such names caused scene import to fail.

We’ve just released Shapespark 1.17.2. Here are the most important changes:

  • Revit exporter improvements:
    • Convert Revit light color temperature to Shapespark light color.
    • Convert Revit light intensity to Shapespark light strength. For now the conversion supports only spherical & spot light distributions.
    • Fix exporting rotation for Revit lights with photometric (IES) distribution.
    • Improve accuracy of metallic and roughness properties conversion.
    • Fix certain transparent materials being exported as non-transparent.
    • Make Shapespark object type/light name include also the Revit family name, in addition to the Revit type name.
    • Skip exporting level indicators.
  • Increase reflection sharpness in the [0; 0.1] roughness range.
  • Reduce memory usage for scenes having multiple triggers with the same text or icon.
  • Do not use PVRTC compressed textures for HDR skies because the compression introduces significant artifacts.
  • Pause video textures when the scene webpage becomes hidden, and resume them when the webpage becomes active again. This fixes an issue with Chrome which pauses some videos but does not resume them automatically.
  • Allow to use the Shapespark desktop application on computers with HTTP proxies that store TLS/SSL certificates in the Windows Certificate Store.
  • Do not show back sides of triangles in the render preview to maintain consistency with the viewer.
  • New extension trigger icons: pen, sticky note, pen+paper.
  • Fix disabling the sky light not being respected. The bug was introduced in 1.17.1.
  • Fix lightmap being baked without the post-processing step if a scene had never been saved in the editor.
  • Fix missing texture error occurring in some cases when a water material was changed to a standard material.

Shapespark 2.0

We’re delighted to let you know that we’ve just released Shapespark 2.0 with numerous improvements:

  • Video meetings within the 3D scenes allowing simultaneous visitors to see where each other are in the 3D space and talk using their devices’ microphones and cameras. Available in the Standard and Plus subscription plans and for the perpetual license. See the announcement for more details.
  • Teams: a Shapespark account can make subscriptions payments for several users and allow these users to upload scenes to the main account. Teams are available in the Standard and Plus subscription plans. See the announcement for more details.
  • 3ds Max exporter plug-in enabling direct export from 3ds Max to Shapespark without the need to use an intermediate 3D file format. The exporter reads basic properties from both Standard (Scanline) and V-Ray materials.
  • Scene objects can be configured to always face the camera. This enables using sprites/billboards in the scene or adding custom extension triggers that rotate to be always directed towards the camera.
  • Support for baking on the NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs, including the RTX 30xx family graphics cards.
  • Revit exporter improvements:
    • Export door objects with collisions disabled by default.
    • Export the Revit’s active perspective 3D view as the initial view in the Shapespark scene.
  • Added meta description tag to the scene’s index.html to make the scene appearances in web searches more descriptive and user-friendly.
  • Default styling for links in HTML labels.
  • Fix unmuted video textures not being played when the scene is loaded with #autoplay . Such textures start to play when the visitor makes a first interaction with the scene.
  • Pause video textures when an HTML label is opened and resume them when it’s closed. This is a workaround for low Chrome & Edge performance when hardware video decoding is used at the same time the GPU is occupied with 3D rendering. Previously HTML labels containing videos made the scene unresponsive in these browsers.
  • Fix sprite extension triggers being captured by light probes.
  • Worked around z-fighting issues in Safari on certain Mac hardware configurations.
  • Fix baking for scenes where all baked objects have isolated shadows.

Thank you so much for update, But i am having issue with the Object facing the camera, my object gets disapperaed (i think get moved to some different unknow location) this i tried it on a single polygon face . For a some other geo for example a 3d geo person, if i do face to camera, it faces 90 degree rotated geo of what it is now. Not sure whats the issue is with. even if their pivot is at center. Has anyone tried this and it worked, please let me know if i am doing it wrong.