Shapespark releases

360 pictures! Excelent option :+1:t3::ok_hand:t3::grin:
Navigation rotate model on touch-entable desktops very good too!

My first 360 panorama with Shapespark. Superb!

Just did the update, love the photo options. Didn’t know that was currently an option for normal photos.

I just created a pano and tried to drop it straight into facebook, but it wasn’t automatically picked up as a 360 image.

Will Shapespark be adding this code in the future to enable images to be automatically picked up as a 360 image by applications like this, or will it be up to the user to edit the job to add the details for 360?

Thanks, having the panoramas automatically recognized by Facebook is great suggestion, we didn’t think about this.

It looks like additional metadata is needed for it in the JPG. We will work on adding such metadata automatically. In a mean time you can use exiftool to add such metadata manually as described here: Redirecting... Also for Facebook use at most 6000x3000 resolution.


Whe you inject those meta data you can also view the photo correctly in google photos and google photos support 8000x4000 resolution.
One exiftool that I use in PC and MAC is Exif Fixer - make any panoramic image work in Facebook, simple and clean.
The propousal to injected the image directly in shapespark is great and I supose the implementation is very easy, I wating for the upgrade! Again I appreciate your work, well done!


In VR Mode with an Oculus Quest:

  1. I’m unable to walk up stairs, I have to teleport. Can this be adjusted somehow so it’s more natural?
  2. I’m unable to walk or teleport down stairs, once I go up I’m stuck on that floor. Any suggestions?

Thanks :slight_smile:

In VR mode stairs climbing is disabled while walking to improve performance, but it should work while using the teleport. The problem can be if there is some geometry at a head level above the stairs that will block the camera path. In such cases you may need to teleport more than once to get to the bottom of the stairs. Can you share a link to the scene that has this problem?

Hi Jan,

Here is the test model.

@Random in this scene you need to set the Walk on flag also for the ground floor, not just stairs. Otherwise if you teleport from the stairs to be above the ground floor, the teleport it not able to check the height above the ground and is not able to update it.

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We’ve just released Shapespark 1.13.0 with the following list of changes:

  • Allow to edit position and rotation of lights and light probes with a 3D gizmo.
  • Support for video textures provided as MP4 and OGV files.
  • Allow to bake a scene with selected objects not casting shadows on the surrounding objects. This enables hiding and replacing objects in the scene using the existing Hide in views option without the hidden objects leaving dark shadow spots.
  • Enable 360 panorama pictures generated in the Shapespark editor ( P key) to be recognized as 360 photos when posted on Facebook.
  • Objects in the editor’s Objects tab can now be sorted by name, as an alternative to the default sorting by size.
  • Fix incorrect Hide in views behavior in the editor. Previously, hiding objects of a selected type could have lead to hiding parts of objects of another type as well.
  • Fix texture file selection issue when the selected file is from the current scene’s textures/raw subdirectory.
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So far I just tried light position improvement and it is so much better! A lot easier and more accurate.
Is there a possibility to add a clone/duplicate light function in future? Also, group editing would be nice as well. (Editing properties for multiple lights at same time).
Thanks a lot!

Have you tried creating multiple instances of the same light (in the Instances panel of the Lights tab)? This would allow you to create multiple identical light sources, with properties like strength or size changed for all of them at once.

There is also a light naming convention which allows you to import lights from a 3D file (eg. FBX, DAE) as instances of a single Shapespark light: Any way to create lights externally (withhout sketchup) - #10 by wojtek

Instances tab is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
Somehow I’ve missed it.

We’ve just released Shapespark 1.14.0 with the following list of changes:

  • A Revit add-in for exporting models to Shapespark. The add-in is installed automatically when Shapespark is installed or updated.
  • Improved VR-mode support for gamepads and VR controllers:
    • Switch to previous and next views with controllers.
    • Walk with controllers.
    • Change height with controllers.
    • Disable gaze teleport if a controller is detected.
  • A water material with animated waves.
  • Add acceleration while turning left/right with keyboard and gamepad to make the camera movement smoother.
  • Support for saving screenshots in the viewer with the p key (not only in the editor).
  • Enable 360 panorama pictures generated in the Shapespark editor ( p key) to be recognized as 360 photos by Google Photos.
  • Faster exports from SketchUp to Shapespark for models with large number of textures.
  • Fix video textures loading problems on iOS devices.
  • Fix VR screen freeze on mobile Chrome for scenes with video textures.

Very nice improvements👍🏼
Thanks for google photos recognition :clap:t3:
How can I use the water material? :thinking:
Can I insert lights directly from revit? :bulb:

The water material needs a normal map for the wave types. Is this a real normal map which is here required or just a height map?

you can switch between the material types to have access to the settings:


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No, but we are considering adding such a feature in one of the future versions.

Currently, only the Sun position is imported from Revit.

This is a real normal map. You can find the built-in water-waves normal map in the raw\textures subdirectory of a scene, if the scene uses this texture.

Okay. So can we then expect that normal maps for other surfaces will also come soon?

Very nice update!
Screenshot function works great, very useful.

What is the maximum resolution for the screenshot?
It seems that I’m not able to generate panoramas over 4K resolution.
Looks like browser’s memory limit most likely.

The maximum resolution depends on a system. Memory limit is one factor that can limit the resolution, maximum render buffer size is another. According to: about 30% of systems do not allow to render to targets larger than 4K.