Textured problems

Good morning, I have problems with the texture in configuration.
the texture of the pavement. being these the same size is venmal, I can not configure it well.
the same happens in the kitchen, if you could tell me how to fix it, I have a meeting soon with my boss to decide if we use his support in the future.


All the material alternatives of a material picker share the same UV mapping, which means that all the textures used in a picker have to be adapted to correspond to the same real-world dimensions. So, for example if texture A corresponds to 30x30cm and texture B to 60x60cm in real world, you could duplicate the first texture horizontally and vertically to make it also a 60x60cm texture (built from 4 repetitions of the original texture A).

Thank you very much Wojtek. yes, all the textures that have to be alternating are of the same dimensions, if the original texture of the floor makes 60 x 60, the others are also 60x60 … I do not understand the fault.

OK, I misunderstood the issue initially. Hope the below explanation will solve it.

The texture used by an alternative material has to be tiled (repeated) somewhere in the model. In other words, there has to be some surface in the original model where the tiling of the alternative texture can be seen.

A good practice is to organize the alternative materials in material pools somewhere outside the building. A material pool can be a set of squares: one square for one alternative material, and the texture on each square is scaled so that it is tiled.

You can find more information on the issue in this post: Material picker problem - #5 by wojtek. Also, this fragment of the extension-related video tutorial shows how to create material pools in SketchUp: INTERACTIVE Walkthrough on the WEB | Shapespark for Sketchup - YouTube

Dzień dobry Wojtek, zobaczysz, że dodałem scenę tekstur, gdzie jest zastosowana grupa tekstur, problem pozostaje. Początkowe uczucie wsparcia jest bardzo dobre. Dzięki za twoją pracę.

[EDIT: English auto-translation] Good morning Wojtek, you’ll see that I added the texture scene, where the texture group is applied, the problem remains. The initial feeling of support is very good. Thanks for your work.

Hi @Infograpic_3D,

Some textures in the material pool are not repeated. For example the one marked below:

does not repeat on its material pool rectangle.

Could you modify texture mapping in SketchUp for this rectange, so the texture repeats, as on the below SketchUp screenshot?

ahhhh …! Chodzi ci o to, że obraz tekstury w puli nie jest duplikowany i jest cały, nie można go duplikować w shapespark? ok … zamierzam przetestować. dziękuję bardzo…

ahhhh…! te refieres que la causa es, la imagen de textura en la piscina no se duplica y al estar entera, no se puede duplicar en shapespark? ok… voy a provar. muchas gracias

Yes, the texture has to be repeated on a material pool rectangle. So for example, you can scale the texture mapping in SketchUp so that one texture repetition is smaller then the material pool rectangle.

OK, znowu pieczę scenę, zobaczmy, jak to działa. dziękuję bardzo!

Well, it looks like I got it, thank you very much. In a few hours I will meet to present the support, I had some doubts, we continue talking Wojtek
If you could give me some directions to improve my project, I would appreciate it.
… See you soon

@Infograpic_3D, The first direction I would try experimenting in is using more natural (sun & sky) and less artificial light to illuminate the interiors. Some ideas to try:

  • Use opacity = 0 for the curtain and the windowpanes (oriented towards the exterior) for the time of baking; you can increase them back to their original values after the baking is done.
  • Increase the strength of sun & sky.
  • Lower the sun.